Innovation, Communication and Strategy
Who & What ?
Frank Köster ICS-Advies has been working for a large number of widely diverse organisations. Particularly in the areas of:
- Education, Labour, Housing: preventing young people dropping out
- Housingmarkets, supply, choice and consumers
- Labourmarket and supply
- Welfare, Care and Services: new concepts.
- New markets and partnerships
Where ?
In the Netherlands, and in the UK as well since 2001. Founder in NL and UK of Choice Based Lettings Introduction of:.From Choice Based Lettings to HousingMarketing
- "Invest in Talent"; good practice by EU Cedefop: Reducing early school leaving and unemployment
- "Skills in the City" integrated approach with government real estate: : Working + Learning + Living + Support
- innovative concepts Best Practice reducing dropouts and school leaving EU 2016 with public/private partners.
- innovation / project management / partnerships: private companies- education -housing associations - youthsupport -local government
- exploring new markets and challenges for public & private companies
Key projects
- introduction Choice Based Lettings and consumer markets (London/ Edinburgh/ Belfast/ Harrogate)
- training programme directors (HA's) : Excellent leadership.
- UK an NL Masterclass Urban Renewal; Small is more than beautiful / city development
- Urban Regeneration and Social Investments (Coventry, Birmingham, Liverpool/ Manchester/ London).
- consultancy for IFHP / Riga /Bucharest / Belfast
- study visit for Chartered Institute of Housing and ODPM
- and much more
- Founder and board member of
- Associate of the Chartered Institute of Housing
- Consultant for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Member of KEI, Dutch Centre for Expertise and Innovation in Urban Renewal.
- Board member of LaiKa Explorations Foundation.
- Guest Lecture at The Hague University of Applied Sience
information: please contact